Sunday, 30 October 2016

Death to old RAP

The first time I listened VJ Adam's "define rap" I Indeed tried to define rap. Forget the history bout how rap originated from Africa  , the feud between biggy and pac and how it changed the scene.
 So what is rap then....rap is punchline,metaphor,wordplay,rhyme scheme,pun,hyperbole and rhythm, damn! real rap is only done by the best poets.
Rap evolved from either you spitting cunny punchline or bragging bout what you don't have and can't do (pple still do it tho).acknowledgement of societal and personal problems, it's Martin Luther king jr in demin, its du bois in timberland,Malcolm x in dreads.
Modern rap is conscious
Am a huge fan of the old school, but drake, Kendrick, jcole nd few odas always take the game to a new place.
MI made a comment bout headies not appreciating new raw shit indeed they aren't, infact we don't acknowledge poetry.
I ain't putting some disrespeck on anyone's name but those rappers we appreciate are stale and dead. Quick glance at BET best lyricist nominees you'd see the new school not some 2pac wannabees , the best in 9ja,I repeat the best in 9ja is MI, the most underrated by far is poe (@ladipoe) you'd be amazed he has a meager 4k followers....and chinko ekun (iamchinko) has got 20k followers smh. Even the deaf knows who's better, but then my prayers goes to the Gees trying to give us real rap the money ain't coming in much but we got yall covered like square root over odd numbers.