Wednesday, 14 September 2016

9 different personalities you will find on Twitter (9ja specifically)

In Twitter world you'd find the craziest of the craziest, sit back, grab a pop corn and iced water. Let's roll

(1) the gbagaun spotter
This one check for misspellings and incorrect English (follow @gbagaunspotter) for the best of this....if you following this kinda peeps just check your English well before tweeting but one olodo will be like (no man is above mistake)
(2) the trailer drivers
This people will jam you anywhere anyhow even if you just chilling on your lane (follow @trailerjamshow)
(3) the story tellers
This one's are always telling stories theirs or others (follow @myhoestory) this people tell erotic,inspiring, stale, funny any kinda story just follow the right tweep
(4) the ones that link Instagram with Twitter
What is wrong with this person? An Instagram link is literally the most boring thing to see on Twitter. Just put shit on Twitter and put other stuff on Instagram, or post pics in both places. I don't understand this.
(5) the constant tweet
This person wants to tell you every detail of their day. They're the ones who tweet "good morning!" in the morning and "good night, tweeps!" at night and descriptions of every little thing they ate in between.
(6) the ones that tweet at celebrities
This person constantly tweets at celebrities asking to be noticed or for a birthday shoutout. They're just waiting for
the moment that wizkid will tweet them back and give them a lifetime's worth of validation.
(7) the hastag # obsessive
#This #peerson #doesnt #realize #theres #such #a #thing #as #way #too #many #f*cking #hashtags.
(8) the parody account
This fucked up people who create fake account for obvious reason "you're dumb", you'll find just bout 10 wizkids, 30 buharis account..we don't even know which is real
(9) me
Yea am of a different breed.... Just way too cool follow me @blak_shakespear

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