Thursday, 14 July 2016
Top 5 football stars with cassanova status
there are always eyes on them? These playboys either never got the message, or had dug themselves too deep a
womanizing hole to crawl out of, frolicking around with a small army of beauties or, even worse, the better half of
fellow teammates.
5 Cristiano Ronaldo
The Portuguese superstar is one of the best soccer players on the planet, but much of his fame can be attributed to
movie star-like good looks and an impressive Rolodex of stunning arm candy. Models Alice Goodwin, Gemma
Atkinson and Irina Shayk are just a few of the gorgeous women that Ronaldo can count among his previous
conquests. Ronaldo, who has done some modelling work of his own for Armani, was briefly engaged to Shayk, but has
otherwise embraced a bachelor lifestyle. And with some of. the women he has bagged, who wouldn’t??
4. Gabby Agbonlahor
The fancy footwork of striker Gabby Agbonlahor has helped the 28-year-old to a long, successful career at Aston Villa.
But it’s his juggling skills that have enabled a rather active personal life. After all, it can’t be easy to handle three
girlfriends at once, as Agbonlahor reportedly once boasted.
His fertility also shouldn’t be called into question, as he impregnated all of them. In 2012, a judge handed
Agbonlahor’s ex-flame Sophie Smith a 10-year restraining order against current partner Elizabeth Wheeler in a cyber-
stalking case.
3. Ashley Cole
The British tabloids loved Ashley Cole , a serial philanderer who put his poor wife, Cheryl, through years of pain and
humiliation as report after report emerged of his extra- marital goings-on. The couple, however, remained together
until he was caught sending naked pics to a glamour model’s phone in February 2010. That ultimately proved to
be the final straw, as Cheryl soon filed for divorce, citing “unreasonable behavior.” In all, there were no less than seven allegations of extra-marital affairs made about Cole.
2. John Terry
Unlike some of the men on this list, John Terry hasn't accumulated a harem of young beauties over the course of
his playing career – at least not that we know of, anyway. But the indiscretion that he is well-known for sent the British
tabloids into a tizzy in 2010, as he engaged in an alleged affair with French underwear model Vanessa Perroncel.
Perroncel was not only the best friend of Terry’s wife, Toni, but she was also the former flame of Chelsea teammate
and best friend Wayne Bridge. Although the true story never fully came to light, England took away Terry’s captaincy and
Bridge soon retired from international competition.
1. Antonio Cassano
One must always be skeptical of the man who spreads a legend through his own words, but it’s hard to ignore Italian
attacker Antonio Cassano’s revealing biography, La Dico Tutto (translated to mean “I’ll Tell You Everything”). If the
book is to be believed, Cassano had bedded between 600 and 700 women in the 11 years prior to the book’s release.
The provocative Cassano lived by the belief that sex on the day of a game significantly enhanced his performance on
the pitch.
Top 10 celebrities that insured their body part for ridiculous amount
Next is line is the soccer star David Beckham. From what is
known, he actually got each of his legs insured for, wait for
it, let the drums roll, A FULL $35 MILLION. It is said that the
insurance is meant to cover him against all kinds of injury or
disfigurement considering that he is also a model.
This bit of protection was sought by David Beckham back in
the year 2006. Considered the largest personal insurance
policy that was ever taken out in the history of sports at the
time, the policy is rumored to have been split among several
insurance companies. It is further rumored that it isn’t just
his legs that David Beckham got insured – he had his entire
body insured for around $195 million back in 2006. Given
that much of his income came from selling his good looks in
commercial deals, he was also covered in the event of
9 Daniel Craig (entire body part $9.5m)
The famous James Bond actor Daniel Craig had his entire
body insured for $9.5 million during the shooting of
Quantum of Solace considering that it involved having to
perform several dangerous stunts.
If anything, the actor is known to have set pulses racing
when we first saw him emerging from the sea in blue shorts
starring as James Bond. It has been reported that the actor
chose to have his entire body insured for an unbelievable
sum of $9.5 million when he started shooting for Quantum of
Solace. This is because he wanted to protect himself against
any mishaps that might occur while he performed all of his
own stunts. For the record, he insisted on performing most
of his stunts on his own and this is the reason why he and
the producers chose to insure his whole body for this
significant amount of money.😯
8 Cristiano Ronaldo – Legs ($144 Million)
So are you ready to get shocked by learning how much the
less-than-humble Cristiano Ronaldo got his legs insured for?
Well, the Real Madrid star’s legs have been insured for an
out of this world $144 million – that’s probably far more
money than an average individual can make over a lifetime!
The Real Madrid forward is believed to be one of the highest
insured athletes of all time. His insurance policy goes over
103 million euros and that covers him in case of any and all
injuries that might occur to his legs. Overall, his massive leg
insurance is definitely impressive. Reports from Spain
suggest that his insurance valuation has risen about 3% in
the last few years. Although it is common for clubs to have
their players insured in order to protect their investments,
the policy for Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the highest in
world of sports. Such coverage protects the club against
serious injuries, particularly if the player was forced to
7 Julia Roberts – Smile ($30 Million)
Ever since the world laid its eyes on Julia Roberts in Pretty
Woman , it was obvious that the girl had a million dollar
smile. But do you have any idea at all as to how much she
got her smile insured for? $30 MILLION! Now that’s news,
isn’t it?
Most people across the world are completely in love with
Julia Roberts and her smile. However, what a majority of
them don’t know is that she actually got her beautiful smile
insured for a full $30 million. With that amount of money,
Julia’s smile has hit the list of top celebrities who have had
their body parts insured. According to Julia Roberts, the
reason why she got her smile insured is because she
believes it has immense market value. Although Julia
Roberts has stopped making regular appearance in movies,
the fact of the matter is that her smile is definitely
6 Mariah Carey – Legs And Vocal Chords ($70 Million)
The fact of the matter is that celebrities love using their
bodies so as to build a “personal brand” – sex continues to
sell and it is natural for celebrities to want to safeguard
their most important selling points. For Mariah Carey, this
wasn’t just her voice – it was her legs too and she got them
insured back in 2006. Believe it or not, Mariah Carey’s voice
and hamstrings are insured for a combined $70 million, an
insane amount for even the richest of celebs. The diva is
known to be the star of the Gillette 2006 Legs of a Goddess
campaign and hence ended up insuring her body parts for
the unbelievable crazy sum. Now she only needs to prove
that they were worth the investment.
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Top 5 Gov ayodele fayose WTF moments
(1) Wrote to the chinese government not to lend nigeria money. Preview of the letter
I am one of stakeholders in the project Nigeria, and a governor of one of
the federating units making up Nigeria, to draw your
attention to report that the Federal Government of Nigeria is
on the verge of obtaining a $2 billion loan from the Export-
Import Bank of China.
“This $2 billion loan is part of the N1.84 trillion the Federal
Government of Nigeria has proposed to borrow to finance
the 2016 budget, which is yet to be signed by the President,
Muhammadu Buhari owing to unending controversies
between the Executive and Legislative arms of government.
“According to reports, Nigeria desires to raise about $5
billion abroad to cover part of its 2016 budget deficit. This is
projected to hit N3 trillion ($15 billion) due to heavy
infrastructure spending at a time when the slump in global
oil prices has slashed the country’s export revenues
“While conceding that all nations, especially developing ones
need support to be able to grow because no nation is an
island, I am constrained to inform you that if the future of
Nigeria must be protected, the country does not need any
loan at this time.
“The government of China should be mindful of the fact that
Nigerians, irrespective of their political and religious
affiliations are totally opposed to increment of the country’s
debt burden, which is already being serviced with 25 per
cent of the Federal Government annual budget.
“It will interest the government of China to know that some
of the projects for which the loan is being sought are not
captured in the controversial 2016 budget, which has been
sent to the President by the National Assembly for his
assent. For instance, the Lagos – Calabar Rail project was
not included in the budget proposal the President presented
to the National Assembly and it was not included in the
Appropriation Bill passed by the National Assembly.
“Most importantly, Nigeria is presently servicing debt with
about 25 per cent of its annual budget and what will happen
to the economy in 2017, when the country will begin to
service the additional debt to be incurred this year is better
imagined than experienced.
“The Chinese government must also be aware that some
western nations approached by the Federal Government for
loan diplomatically and cleverly declined.
“Therefore, like the foreign aid that is reportedly being
mismanaged, whatever loan that is granted to the Federal
Government of Nigeria by the Chinese Government may be
mismanaged too.
(2) He allegedly gave a speech at the Multinationals
Sourcing Service Centre, PAzhou Trade Complex,
Guangzhou, China, canvassing for the support and
empowerment of Nigeria,he even claimed the chinese trip yeilded $6bn investment. According to reports the site is a popular tourist attraction where people can stand on the podium and take picture ..#selfie governor
(3) Admitting to buying property worth 1.35bn six month after he became a governor but he claim its money for political campaign and friends
(4) Gov ayo fayose has constantly insulted the president during the election period and after he was elected.some of his comments were "buhari is too old","buhari is clueless","buhari is an illiterate,"buhari is patron of the fulani herdsmen","buhari this buhari that" 😰
(5) He made a very ludicrous statement when the NLC ekiti state chapter threaten to go on strike over unpaid salary,fayose said he'll gladly join them since there is no money
we have couple of political celebrities sen ben murray bruce,sen dinu malaye, Hon patrick(egemegodo), raji fashola , and the uncouth ayo fayose, but if USA can have donald trump ,we just gotta have fayose
Monday, 11 July 2016
5 Most Overrated Movies Of 2016 (So Far)
2016 has been a weird year for movies so far, in the ratings department abroad, lots of movies have been unnecessarily slamed and tons of wack and mediocre ones have been praised to high heaven..
These are the movies that have been given a lot more credit than they deserve, either by the critics, audiences, or both
5)florence foster jenkins-a lot of critics describe this movie as "unashamedly feel-good," which has caused me to furrow my brow and say to no one in-particular: "Really? This?"
It might or should have been that film, of course, an endearing and heartwarming biopic about a woman triumphing against the odds, but there is an underlying nastiness to Florence Foster Jenkins that stops it from being exactly that: the same kind of mean-spiritness that made Susan Boyle a star. Because despite the "zero to hero" nature of Boyle's story, she was - and still is - something of a joke.
That's not to say that Florence Foster Jenkins isn't accurate, because the life of the real Florence Foster Jenkins was ripe with ridicule. Here, though, it's as if director Stephen Frears can't quite find the right approach to the material; is this suppose to be a tribute to its titular singer, or is it poking fun at her?
So whilst Meryl Streep is fantastic and Hugh Grant delivers one of his most unexpectedly great performances, there's an awkward clash as the film tries to find Jenkins as a subject to be laughed at and admired at once. You can imagine Frears off camera during every scene, giggling at the absurdity of it all. Florence Foster Jenkins should have been an uncomfortable film, or a funny one, but perhaps not both.
An yet it holds just four negative reviews on Rotten Tomatoes; genuinely surprising given that, tonally, the film is as all over the place as Jenkins' voice was.
4)barbershop3(fresh cut)-sadly for me,. If you're unfamiliar with the Barbershop movies, they're bound to look godawful from an outsider's perspective. On the contrary, the first two films in this underrated franchise are actually pretty funny, and you might be surprised to learn that both the original and its sequel are "certified fresh" on Rotten Tomatoes.
On the basis of its trailer, though, what with its broad gags and Nicki Minaj butt shots, Barbershop 3: A Fresh Cut looked poised to ruin the franchise, and then all of a sudden it was out in cinemas and the critics were giving it rave reviews. It currently holds a score of 90% on Rotten Tomatoes. Unexpected, to say the least.
As a genuine fan of the other Barbershop films, I have to come out and say it: this is an complete and utter step backwards pretending to be a step forwards; gone is the irreverence and fun of the original movies, replaced with a strange and unfitting sentimentality. It's all a bit cringeworthy, to be honest.
A lot of critics deemed the more family-orienated nature of Barbershop 3 to be a step in the right direction, but in a lot of ways it kills what was great about the series as it moves into more "realistic" territory. It's admirable for a comedy to touch on key issues like violence in U.S., I suppose, but it's also slightly odd for a Barbershop movie to do it. When you opt for said "serious" approach, it's jarring to suddenly interject with a gag about Nicki Minaj's skimpy outfits.
You can't hate on Barbershop 3 for at least trying to stay relevant, but the reviews have overestimated this sequel all out of proportion.
3)love and friendship-Love & Friendship, Whit Stillman's latest film based on two novellas by Jane Austen, emerged this year from out of nowhere and was instantly declared a masterpiece of witty period shenanigans by all those who ventured to see it. Love & Friendship is a essential Whitman classic," they said. "It's perfect," they said.
Surely the praise that has been granted to this rather average and slightly annoying drama is totally misjudged, though? Only one critic - you read that right: one - gave Love & Friendship a negative notice on Rotten Tomatoes, and I find that baffling considering how smug and impenetrable this film is for the length of its runtime.
Love & Friendship has been called "broad and accessible," but it's neither. What Whitman has done here is create a comedy so dry that it's never really apparent when or what you're supposed to laugh at. The plot is hard to follow, scenes drag, performances are pitched at different levels... it's not even that "fun" to watch.
So did the critics collectively agree to adore this film out of some misplaced fear that they'd be deemed stupid or uneducated if they did the opposite?
What is properly good about this film, then? Kate Beckinsale, who transcends her reputation as the vampire girl from the terrible Underworld movies and confirms that, hey, she's a talented actor and has been unfairly regulated to blockbuster rubbish when she should be doing stuff like this (or not this, but you get what I mean).
But that's about it: she's a shining light in a film that feels otherwise alien. A film that leaves you under the impression that you were too dumb to get it. And that isn't really the case. There just isn't all that much to "get."
2)dealpool-Deadpool made a hell of a lot of money at the box office, and in the process proved that audiences were hungry for R-rated superhero films. It did a hell of a lot better than anyone thought it would, too; a clever, self-aware marketing campaign and word of mouth brought the punters into theatres worldwide, and they lapped it up.
Look closely, though, and it becomes painfully obvious that - for all its merits - Deadpool only half works; it's an incredibly safe and by-the-numbers superhero flick masquerading as something edgy and irreverent, when really we've seen it all before, often done far better than it is here. Ryan Reynolds is fantastic, of course, but what else about Deadpool actually stands out and sticks with you?
Not to mention that only half of the jokes land. The others... well, they're a bit cringeworthy. A twenty-year-old reference to Sinead O'Connor? A gag about Deadpool mistakenly leaving the stove on? C'mon, guys... is that stuff funny? Is it really?
There's a novelty to Deadpool that means it received fantastic reviews and a positive audience buzz, but I'm not sure the movie itself is worthy of such notices. Watching it, one might find themselves a tad frustrated when the film refuses to go further - to really push the meta nature of character and create something memorable.
In the end, Deadpool is a pretty average superhero outing, albeit with added violence, swearing and a few knowing winks to the audience. But it's not enough.
1)hail ceasar-This should have been the best film ever.
Hail, Caesar! has to be the one of the most disappointing films ever made, especially when you consider everybody involved and the fact that it's one giant homage to the Golden Age of Cinema, complete with George Clooney in screwball mode.
The only good thing in this film is future Han Solo actor Alden Ehrenreich, though, who manages to bring a charm to an otherwise charmless and surprising rigid film. There are so many bizarre creative decisions on show in Hail, Caesar!, after all: why make Josh Brolin's studio fixer into a nice, reputable guy, when writing him tough and brutal like his real life equivalent - the morally questionable movie mogul Eddie Mannix - would have made for a way more interesting film?
Then there's the episodic nature of the "motion picture segments," none of which are anywhere near as exhilarating or fun to watch as they are in the trailer. Also: the timing is off, the jokes aren't funny, and the plot is bewildering and pretentious. With so much at their disposal, it's genuinely shocking that the Coens turned in such a forgettable picture. There is no plot; there is no momentum; there is no point.
There's a sense that the critics went easy on this incredibly lacklustre film because the Coens made it, because otherwise how did it garner 85% on Rotten Tomatoes? I'd go as far to say that it's their worst film to date - an uninspired, weightless hodgepodge that totally fails in its attempts to even provide a single worthwhile laugh.
Worse than The Ladykillers, this one - and the year's most overrated film by a mile!
Which other over-rated films of 2016 so far belong on this list? Share yours below in the comments thread.
Sunday, 10 July 2016
The 15 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits Ever
Friday, 8 July 2016
The 5 poorest Nigeria A'list Artistes
The Nigeria security or insecurity
The most important function of the government is provision of security, protection of lives and property but how secure are we in fact how secure do we feel.
Nigeria have in power a government whose major agenda is to rid the system of corruption, it is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf the onesidedness
Of the anti-corruption train (but that's another days story). It's no news that over-the-counter past few years Nigeria has been battling terrorism, security experts have blame the then government who failed to curb the menace during its Inception (it's a case of uprooting the weed before it grows out of hand) , so the current government met a terrorized country, under armed military, a rotten economy and a pretty much uninformed intelligence agency. We can make comparison between Nigeria and some well developed countries like America, Britain, France on how they tackle terrorism but the fact is Nigeria is a poor poor 57yrs old 3rd world corruption infested fucked up. Country (hands on the Bible).
The current government first move was to strengthen our borders and pally with neighboring countries like Chad, Cameroun, Benin, and to go in the war against boko-haram, the second move was procurement of arm and ammunition for the military and the after effect was the recovery of lost lands, before the inception of this government boko-haram held 14 local government captive, at the time of this writing the military have taken back this lands.
But security is more than boko-haram, if that is the only criterion for everluating the government then they get a 4 star **** 👏 but there is the rise of militancy, the rise of kidnapping, pipeline vandalism and the blood thirsty herdsmen. Although Rome wasn't built in a day but different measures had to be taken to better our security and strengthen our security agencies.
First is the issue of community sensitization. It is pertinent to note that there is no secured country anywhere (even the unconquerable Israel) but those that are seemingly secured have done that with great help from its citizens, it's baffling that Nigeria don't have a national security dialing code (like 911 in USA) although LAGOS STATE has 767 but even it's residents don't know this much less make use of it, citizens should be able to report happenings to security agencies, they should be their eyes and ears and in some cases nose. NB the military had to work jointly with the local hunters in North East to salvage their communities from boko-haram.
There is also the issue of data base although this is a long and gradual process, but the little data gotten from. Network providers, INEC, banks, jamb and various platforms should b utilized.
The baffling aspect of Nigeria's security is the archaic structure of its police system, who the hell still rely on federal policing in this century!, every state should be entitled to its own state police, this will provide jobs thereby reducing crime and effectively tackle criminality across board. Nigeria has only 350,000 police securing the 170,000,000+ of us, the recruitment of 10,000 more personnel is laudable but it's like a spit in the ocean. State police would be of immense benefit to our security.
Finally the actions of the government promotes or reduces crime and criminality, gross unemployment in the country will only breed crime. The government should increase the punishment for kidnapping and crime as a whole as its was done in Edo state (in the case of kidnapping) and there should be clear borderline between common crime and terrorism. Fulani herdsmen and avengers shouldn't be taken lightly like the case of common crime, the use of assault rifle, 14th, even rocket launcher to perpetuate crime is an act of terrorism. My final statement(drumroll plzzz) fear is nothing but danger is real, my people we are in danger
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Year Of The Big Mouth
It's 2016 the year everything changed( can I get a drumroll plzzz), this year have seen the death of legends and the birth of new ones. 2016 has seen hardship and rage like no other.
So if you think 2016 still ain't special, let's see there the rise of Donald Trump, the olamide vs don jazzy brouhaha, the rise of ISIS, the Paris attack, the fuel price, Muhammad Ali, no more loss, OJB jezerel all gone to the afterlife.
One thing is predominant tho no one is owning anybody this year words are utter with caring bout consequences the after effect is a society with sharp brain and loose mouth
Welcome to justblunt the blog of sharp brain and loose mouth, we give in depth analysis (deep enough for your convenience ), we are very factual, we say our mind no matter whose ox is gored.
Some blog are popular, some are appealing, some are beautiful, we are just blunt.