Friday, 8 July 2016

The Nigeria security or insecurity

The most important function of the government is provision of security, protection of lives and property but how secure are we in fact how secure do we feel.
Nigeria have in power a government whose major agenda is to rid the system of corruption, it is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf the onesidedness
Of the anti-corruption train (but that's another days story). It's no news that over-the-counter past few years Nigeria has been battling terrorism,  security experts have blame the then government who failed to curb the menace during its Inception (it's a case of uprooting the weed before it grows out of hand) , so the current government met a terrorized country, under armed military, a rotten economy and a pretty much uninformed intelligence agency. We can make comparison between Nigeria and some well developed countries like America, Britain, France on how they tackle terrorism but the fact is Nigeria is a poor poor 57yrs  old 3rd world corruption infested fucked up. Country (hands on the Bible).
The current government first move was to strengthen our borders and pally with neighboring countries like Chad, Cameroun, Benin, and to go in the war against boko-haram, the second move was procurement of arm and ammunition for the military and the after effect was the recovery of lost lands, before the inception of this government boko-haram held 14 local government captive, at the time of this writing the military have taken back this lands.
But security is more than boko-haram, if that is the only criterion for everluating the government then they get a 4 star **** 👏 but there is the rise of militancy, the rise of kidnapping, pipeline vandalism and the blood thirsty herdsmen. Although Rome wasn't built in a day but different measures had to be taken to better our security and strengthen our security agencies.
First is the issue of community sensitization. It is pertinent to note that there is no secured country anywhere (even the unconquerable Israel) but those that are seemingly secured have done that with great help from its citizens, it's baffling that Nigeria don't have a national security dialing code (like 911 in USA) although LAGOS STATE has 767 but even it's residents don't know this much less make use of it, citizens should be able to report happenings to security agencies, they should be their eyes and ears and in some cases nose. NB the military had to work jointly with the local hunters in North East to salvage their communities from boko-haram.
There is also the issue of data base although this is a long and gradual process,  but the little data gotten from. Network providers, INEC, banks, jamb and various platforms should b utilized.
The baffling aspect of Nigeria's security is the archaic structure of its police system, who the hell still rely on federal policing in this century!, every state should be entitled to its own state police, this will provide jobs thereby reducing crime and effectively tackle criminality across board. Nigeria has only 350,000 police securing the 170,000,000+ of us, the recruitment of 10,000 more personnel is laudable but it's like a spit in the ocean. State police would be of immense benefit to our security.
Finally the actions of the government promotes or reduces crime and criminality, gross unemployment in the country will only breed crime.  The government should increase the punishment for kidnapping and crime as a whole as its was done in Edo state (in the case of kidnapping)  and there should be  clear borderline between common crime and terrorism. Fulani herdsmen and avengers shouldn't be taken lightly like the case of common crime, the use of assault rifle, 14th, even rocket launcher  to perpetuate crime is an act of terrorism. My final statement(drumroll plzzz) fear is nothing but danger is real, my people we are in danger


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