Thursday, 14 July 2016

Top 10 celebrities that insured their body part for ridiculous amount

Okay just when we complaining of lack of money and over inflation of everything i happen to stumble on this. In no particular order 

10 David Beckham – Legs ($35 Million Each)
Next is line is the soccer star David Beckham. From what is
known, he actually got each of his legs insured for, wait for
it, let the drums roll, A FULL $35 MILLION. It is said that the
insurance is meant to cover him against all kinds of injury or
disfigurement considering that he is also a model.
This bit of protection was sought by David Beckham back in
the year 2006. Considered the largest personal insurance
policy that was ever taken out in the history of sports at the
time, the policy is rumored to have been split among several
insurance companies. It is further rumored that it isn’t just
his legs that David Beckham got insured – he had his entire
body insured for around $195 million back in 2006. Given
that much of his income came from selling his good looks in
commercial deals, he was also covered in the event of

9 Daniel Craig (entire body part $9.5m)
The famous James Bond actor Daniel Craig had his entire
body insured for $9.5 million during the shooting of
Quantum of Solace considering that it involved having to
perform several dangerous stunts.
If anything, the actor is known to have set pulses racing
when we first saw him emerging from the sea in blue shorts
starring as James Bond. It has been reported that the actor
chose to have his entire body insured for an unbelievable
sum of $9.5 million when he started shooting for Quantum of
Solace. This is because he wanted to protect himself against
any mishaps that might occur while he performed all of his
own stunts. For the record, he insisted on performing most
of his stunts on his own and this is the reason why he and
the producers chose to insure his whole body for this
significant amount of money.😯

8 Cristiano Ronaldo – Legs ($144 Million)
So are you ready to get shocked by learning how much the
less-than-humble Cristiano Ronaldo got his legs insured for?
Well, the Real Madrid star’s legs have been insured for an
out of this world $144 million – that’s probably far more
money than an average individual can make over a lifetime!
The Real Madrid forward is believed to be one of the highest
insured athletes of all time. His insurance policy goes over
103 million euros and that covers him in case of any and all
injuries that might occur to his legs. Overall, his massive leg
insurance is definitely impressive. Reports from Spain
suggest that his insurance valuation has risen about 3% in
the last few years. Although it is common for clubs to have
their players insured in order to protect their investments,
the policy for Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the highest in
world of sports. Such coverage protects the club against
serious injuries, particularly if the player was forced to

7 Julia Roberts – Smile ($30 Million)
Ever since the world laid its eyes on Julia Roberts in Pretty
Woman , it was obvious that the girl had a million dollar
smile. But do you have any idea at all as to how much she
got her smile insured for? $30 MILLION! Now that’s news,
isn’t it?
Most people across the world are completely in love with
Julia Roberts and her smile. However, what a majority of
them don’t know is that she actually got her beautiful smile
insured for a full $30 million. With that amount of money,
Julia’s smile has hit the list of top celebrities who have had
their body parts insured. According to Julia Roberts, the
reason why she got her smile insured is because she
believes it has immense market value. Although Julia
Roberts has stopped making regular appearance in movies,
the fact of the matter is that her smile is definitely

6 Mariah Carey – Legs And Vocal Chords ($70 Million)
The fact of the matter is that celebrities love using their
bodies so as to build a “personal brand” – sex continues to
sell and it is natural for celebrities to want to safeguard
their most important selling points. For Mariah Carey, this
wasn’t just her voice – it was her legs too and she got them
insured back in 2006. Believe it or not, Mariah Carey’s voice
and hamstrings are insured for a combined $70 million, an
insane amount for even the richest of celebs. The diva is
known to be the star of the Gillette 2006 Legs of a Goddess
campaign and hence ended up insuring her body parts for
the unbelievable crazy sum. Now she only needs to prove
that they were worth the investment.

5 Rihanna – Legs ($1 million)
Rihanna actually got her legs insured for $1 million back in
the year 2007 after she was presented the Gillette’s Venus
Breeze Celebrity Legs of a Goddess award. Ever since she
was presented with this award, Rihanna continued to appear
in various campaigns and red carpets – and that’s perhaps
the reason why Rihanna makes sure to take immense care
of her amazing legs!
If truth be told, no one would ever guess that a stunning pair
of legs could cost an entire million dollars. But Rihanna
totally went against the odds and got them insured for that
amount – the most interesting part is that the sum probably
runs higher now considering she got covered back in 2007!

4 Jennifer Lopez – Butt ($27 million)
That’s right – J.Lo ’s butt was long making a name for itself
way before the world came across Amber Rose and Kim
Kardashian’s booties and has long been one of the most
famous derrieres in the entire world. With such an amazing
asset, it is no wonder that Jennifer Lopez chose to have her
butt insured at a full $27 million!
Jennifer Lopez has gained immense fame for her backless
appearances over time. If anything, it appears that she has
acquire more fame for her bubble butt instead of her
mediocre movie career. It is perhaps for this reason that
she decided to have it insured for that bizarre sum

3 Dolly Parton – Breasts ($4 Million)
Known for her sweet country voice, her performance in the
famous movie 9 to 5 , and her unforgettable outfits, Dolly
Parton garnered far more attention for her supposedly real
size 40 DD breasts than she ever could for her other
talents. It is for this reason perhaps that she chose to have
her breasts insured for a full $600,000 back in the year 1970
– that sure as hell was quite a lot of money back then!
This particular country diva gained popularity back in the
days for here outstanding appearance, which was
emphasized by her thick accent, platinum hair and her
gigantic breasts. Apparently, the singer knew the worth of
her bust line and got it insured for that enormous sum. With
the passage of time, the worth of her ginormous breasts
has come up to be at least $4 million. To prove how much
Dolly Parton cares about her breasts, a report on Huffington
Post had quoted her as saying that she looks at her boobs
like they’re show horses or show dogs. She opined that
you’ve got to keep them groomed.

2 Tom Jones – Chest Hair ($7 Million)
The NY Daily News reported back in the year 2008 that Tom
Jones , a Welsh-born singer, got his chest hair insured for a
full $7 million. Although his manager chose to deny the
news at first by saying that Jones was, “working far too
hard in the recording studio” for something like that, it was
later confirmed by Lloyd’s of London that the policy indeed
Now for those who don’t know, Tom Jones used to be
considered by many as more of a sex symbol. Hence, he
chose to have that mane of hair on his chest for such a
significant amount to keep his ‘sexiness’ intact. Makes one
question as to what sort of fears he might have had for his
chest hair, right? Probably a spontaneous shirt combustion?
Who knows what could damage that mane of hair on his

1. Ben Turpin – Eyes ($100,000)
Most people out there would go to any limits in the world
and pay huge sums of money in order to have their eyes
uncrossed. But things worked differently with silent-film
comedian Ben Turpin whose, as TIME wrote back in the year
1923, ‘centripetal optics’ served him well. From what is
known, Ben Turpin was perhaps the first celebrity ever have
had a part of his body insured. So what did he have
insured? His crossed eyes for about $100, 000!
That’s right! Always ready to make people laugh, the star of
The Shriek of Araby got his eyes insured for that sum so that
the money would be payable to his producer, Mack Sennett,
in case his eyes ever became normal! Now if THAT isn’t
ridiculous, I don’t know what is!

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