Saturday, 6 August 2016

10 common things to avoid in a job interview

10 Things NOT To Do In A Job Interview

So you have decided to take that leap of faith and look for a new job. Or you might be in the process of wanting to change things for the better. No matter what your intentions are, a successful career can bring you a number of different achievements. First impressions as they say count and are more important than ever. However, before you get your feet under the virtual desk there is of course the job interview to master.

When it comes to job interviews you can choose from a wide variety of techniques as well as measures in order to cope with the big day. On the other hand, there are so many ways in which you can cope with the tension not to mention the nerves. At the end of the day all you need to do is to remain calm and take some advice from not only your friends but also your family.

Regardless of what industry you are striving to succeed in, nailing a job interview can be extremely rewarding. Whether it is your first time undergoing on or you have been to a series of grillings, the interview process can be a daunting process.

Of course a curriculum vitae or CV is an important part of the process. It is crucial that you send your prospective employer a CV that outlines your achievements, while emphasising your qualities and previous work experience. So to avoid any flustered situations and improve your chances of landing that dream role here are the top 10 things to avoid when faced with that all important job interview.

10. Dressing Casual

Being smart is certainly the order of the day and to create that first impression. As the old saying goes, clothes do really make the man or woman. In this way, from the moment you walk into meet the interviewer, you should dress to impress with a snappy suit, shirt and a pair of smart brogues. After all it is much better to look the part than not.

9. Being QuieT

Being inquisitive about the job and the company is crucial to getting ahead in the interview. No company will want a wallflower who does not take a vested interest in their business. Employers are looking for whether you can fit in with fellow employees and have the ability to build relations accordingly. Companies want dynamic, effervescent individuals so make that interview count.

8. Platitudes

It is very irritating for companies when they hear popular clichés that people tend to churn out on a regular basis. This includes the likes of being a genuine team player or having the ability to be a problem solver. The majority of switched on interviewees will have heard these terms a thousand times over. Therefore, you have to be inventive in your answers and concise, whilst promoting your character and mentioning how you can resolve and rectify issues.

7. Insulting Your Former Company

Making any accusations about your former employers is a big no-no. Employers are not interested about your speaking in a negative manner about any individuals. Trash talking someone during an interview paints the wrong impression of you so avoid it at all costs. Harping on in this manner will get you nowhere except being shown the exit door.

6. Don’t Be InformaL

You must never forget the fact that being informal will get you nowhere. There is no place for chit chat and such like in an interview process and you should be professional at all times. Approach questions in a business-like manner and don’t bring any personal issues to the table. The company is more interested in how well you can perform the job, not about the latest gossip about your marriage.

5. Being False

There is also no room for being false as far as an interview situation is concerned. You want to please everyone in the room and make sure you answer each question properly but playing to the crowd should not be on the agenda. No doubt you will find yourself in a potentially stressful scenario but it is essential that you remain calm and be yourself. This is far better than boasting or providing outrageous credentials that you simply cannot prove.

4. Being Honest

So you have decided to take that leap of faith and look for a new job. Or you might be in the process of wanting to change things for the better. No matter what your intentions are, a successful career can bring you a number of different achievements. First impressions as they say count and are more important than ever. However, before you get your feet under the virtual desk there is of course the job interview to master.

3. Eye Contact

It is imperative that you maintain reasonable eye contact with your prospective employers. Staring into space or even down at the floor is not the best way to impress people, especially those who you might be working with. However, you should not stare too much as it may become a little overbearing for some in the room. Getting the right balance of steely determination and professionalism is key to make sure you are focused on the task at hand.
2. Salary

This is definitely not the place to discuss figures. For some reason, it can be deemed acceptable on the off chance that the interviewers raise the matter accordingly. Salaries are always a sensitive subject in interviews so it should not be a major topic during the procedure unless instructed. Have a rough idea in your mind before going but don’t bring this up as it will send out the wrong messages.
1. Don’t Be Unprepared

In the first instance, you will need to make sure that you are fully prepared. At all costs, you should not be unprepared as it will show in the interview. You need to put plenty of effort in to look at the sector, the boss and the ethos of the company. The position is everything so you should go the extra mile to learn about the role and become knowledgeable about the particular company. This will stand you in good stead because you will be taken much more seriously.ou should not be evasive when in the middle of conducting an interview. You will probably be faced with a series of challenging questions which will be direct and to the point. Nonetheless you need to be prepared at all times to face the firing squad and be direct with your responses.

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