Friday, 5 August 2016

5 Hollywood actors with criminal records

5 Hollywood Stars With Shocking Secret Criminal Records

It’s all too easy to only see the good side of our favourite celebrities. We want to admire their red carpet looks, watch their latest films or hear their latest albums, and perhaps take an interest in their love lives. We want the women to be gorgeous, the men ruggedly handsome, and the gossip as scandalous as possible. But in all of this, we tend to forget that our favourite stars sometimes have dark secrets – not all of them in the past.

The 5 celebrities on this list have all broken the law, and been caught, leaving them with a criminal record. You may have heard about some of them, and some of them you would never have known about. But behind the whitened Hollywood smiles of these stars lurks an ugly truth they would rather you did not know about.

Read on to find out which of our beloved idols are actually not deserving of the pedestal they have been placed upon, and are in fact more worthy of a few more nights in jail. From reality TV queens through to singing superstars and A-list royalty, some of them may seriously shock you with the misdeeds of their (sometimes not-so-distant) past.

Will Smith is probably one of the last people you would expect to have a criminal record – and even if he did, you’d think it would be for something cool, like getting arresting for protesting equal rights. Actually, his arrest record shows something far more serious. Back in 1989, he was involved in an assault which left one man nearly blind, and he was charged shortly after. The charges included aggravated assault, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, and criminal conspiracy. They were dismissed later, though in Hollywood, that’s not always a sign that he didn’t actually do anything wrong.

Bill Gates probably doesn’t strike you as much of a troublemaker. He’s more the type of guy to donate tons of money to charity and carry out a benign, well-meaning practical joke. Well, he wasn’t always so law-abiding. Back in 1975 he was caught speeding and then ended up getting arrested for driving without a license. Of course, that straightened him right up, didn’t it? Not exactly. In 1977 he failed to stop at a stop sign, so he was arrested… for that, and for driving without a license. Presumably, at some point he actually managed to pass that test.

Back before anyone actually knew who . bruno Mars was, he was making stupid decisions that eventually led to his arrest. Apparently he was living the rock star lifestyle before he ever even got a record contract, as he was brought in back in 2010 for cocaine possession. He pled guilty to the charges and ended up paying a $2,000 fine alongside 200 hours of community service. He was also forced to undergo a drug counselling course, which perhaps led to him cleaning up his act and becoming the superstar he is today. No one in the court could have imagined he would be singing at the Super Bowl!

It’s quite possible to imagine that most rappers are simply putting on an image for the publicity, but when 50 Cent raps about drugs, women, and fighting, he’s speaking from experience. At age 19 in 1994, he was sentenced to a boot camp prison, where he spent six months. The charge? Selling heroin and crack cocaine, to which he pled guilty. He was later sentenced to two years’ probation in 2002 after he was found guilty of assault and battery. It’s also a reasonably well-known fact that he survived being shot multiple times early in his life, prior to his music career taking off.

Another rapper who is deserving of his on-stage persona is Jay Z. Strangely, given his more mainstream position in the music industry, you’d think that he of all rappers would be the one with the clean rap sheet. But it’s not the case. Actually, he once stabbed a record executive in the stomach in a nightclub. We’ll allow that sentence to sink in for a second. Amazingly, stabbing someone apparently wasn’t enough to get you put in jail back in 1999. Instead, he was given three years of probation. It’s a little terrifying to think that someone could walk free after almost committing a murder.

Hopefully we'll gather enough info on nollywood actors but before then just think of them as saints😐😀

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